Thursday, February 22, 2007

The end of the first semester in ABAC

One semester has gone so fast , the first semester is near to the end . I have no class remaining but just the final exam , 5 subject I have to get through it. First subject is on March 1 it's Communication in Thai , it's not hard but not easy and when I read the book it's so boring so I put the book down. The second day of March I have Intro to Legal Principles , they said the student in this class in the previous semester can pass the exam just 14 from 40 it's very shocked me but I must be one of the person who pass the exam. In March 5 I have another law subject "Thai Legal History" it's very very boring but I'll tell you something , the teacher in this class is so cute. On March 6 the day I feel comfortably cause it is English for law 1 , it doesn't need to read much like the other so I will have time to play the computer game. And the last day of the final examination , March 12 , it's Law of Person I don't worry about that much cause I have enough time to prepare. So this is the end of the first semester of mine and hope I can pass all of it.

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