Thursday, February 22, 2007

The end of the first semester in ABAC

One semester has gone so fast , the first semester is near to the end . I have no class remaining but just the final exam , 5 subject I have to get through it. First subject is on March 1 it's Communication in Thai , it's not hard but not easy and when I read the book it's so boring so I put the book down. The second day of March I have Intro to Legal Principles , they said the student in this class in the previous semester can pass the exam just 14 from 40 it's very shocked me but I must be one of the person who pass the exam. In March 5 I have another law subject "Thai Legal History" it's very very boring but I'll tell you something , the teacher in this class is so cute. On March 6 the day I feel comfortably cause it is English for law 1 , it doesn't need to read much like the other so I will have time to play the computer game. And the last day of the final examination , March 12 , it's Law of Person I don't worry about that much cause I have enough time to prepare. So this is the end of the first semester of mine and hope I can pass all of it.

The result between Barcelona and Liverpool

It had broken my heart when these two teams have to fight in the last 16 teams in UEFA Champions League . I said it had broken my heart because both team are my favourite football team from England and Spain. I have watching the match last night ( 21 Feb.) and I have no idea which team to cheer , it has so many reason to cheer Liverpool because they has been defeat all the competition they played so this is their last competition they're still have a hope to be champion. And Barcelona is the champion in the previous season and this year they do have a hard work to defend their title , UEFA Champions League is the major trophy for the European football club that no team can defend their title so this is the great opportunity for them to defend the title. But Barcelona they still have a high hope in another one major trophy in their country "Spanish La Liga" or Spanish league that they are the leader of the table now. So the result in the match was 2-1 Liverpool who in away side had their win in the first leg but this round will be return in two weeks after at Liverpool , that will be the last match for Barcelona or Liverpool I will look forward to it but I hope the winner in the match will go through the final round and become the champions.

Let me introduce myself

I have done three post now but haven't talk about myself , let me introduce myself
I'm Anurach Maridthida or you can call me shortly "Tle" that's my nickname. I was born in Bangkok ,Thailand , at Phayathai2 Hospital on Wednesday November 4 ,1987 in the Rabbit year. When I was 3 year old I entered to my first kindergarten school in my life , its name's Somprasong School but I just studied there for only one year then my parents moved me to another kindergarten school "Mee-Noi" ( It means Little Bear ) , only one year again. Then I moved again to Chitralada School , there's a place I studied for thirteen years and graduated from high-school before I decided ABAC to be my university.

My dream to be the guitarist.

Everybody had a dream , dreams to be rich , dreams to be successful and I dream to be the guitarist. I want to be a famous guitarist in a rock band but it’s seem very hard to be like that and I must get through it. I must practice very very hard , I played guitar over 5-6 hours a day but I knew that’s not very much. I won’t give up of this thing and someday I’ll stand on the stage with my band and people will going crazy with the noise of my guitar and I’m gonna rock their world.

My best memories

When I was in a high school it's such a great time in my life , I don't want to let it go but nobody in the world can stop the time. My friends and I do a lot of thing that can make us happy together. All my friends , I knew them more than ten years since we were study in the kindergarten and I can't say how much I love them , I miss them all everyday. Last week we just have a reunion at my friend's place , everybody came to the party and no one are missing. Now I just want to go back in time to do something happy together again in the school where we can meet all the friend everyday. I'll tell them our relationship will be forever.

Space Travel

In 400 years after today , Thailand maybe the most successful nation of the space travel in the world. We may have our capital city on the other Mars its name “Bangkok No.2” and have the space station for Thai citizens to travel between Bangkok no.1 and no.2 . But Bangkok no.2 will not have the problem like no.1 , there will be no traffic problem , no pollution , everything are clean. All the nation in the world will have to come to Thailand if they want to travel around the galaxy. And after that Thailand will develop the space station in the unknown galaxy to be profitable to all humankind in the future.